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多謝房屋署物業服務經理/服務(屯門及元朗三) 林永裕先生,屯門區議員 崔景恒先生,屯門區議會 社會福利及房屋委員會主席 賴嘉汶女士,及屯門區議會 交通運輸委員會主席 蘇嘉雯女士出席活動並擔任主禮嘉賓......Learn more
We wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year!
We wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year!
In the future, we will continue to uphold our mission and belief to promote a caring and non-violent environment for the optimal growth and development of our children......Learn more
本會總幹事及傳訊經理同日亦參與 「童行.同心.有你」保護兒童計劃頒獎典禮2023,喜見社會各界人士積極參與,同心協力攜手保護兒童......Learn more
Against Child Abuse 44th Annual Press Conference
Against Child Abuse 44th Annual Press Conference
防止虐待兒童會於11月16日舉行了44週年記者招待會,發布2022/23年度的服務重點、熱線統計數字......Learn more
香港賽馬會社區資助計劃  生之喜悅家庭探訪計劃  -  新手爸媽育兒必修課
香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 生之喜悅家庭探訪計劃 - 新手爸媽育兒必修課
「生之喜悅」家庭探訪計劃透過有育兒經驗的受訓義工定期探訪、家長教育及親子活動,為屯門、元朗、天水圍區內懷孕婦女及0-3歲嬰幼兒家庭疏導情緒......Learn more
Flag Day (N.T. Region) 2024 - Volunteer enrollment
Flag Day (N.T. Region) 2024 - Volunteer enrollment
ACA will be hosting a Flag Day in the New Territories on Saturday, February 24, 2024, from 7:00 AM to 12:30 PM......Learn more
Smart ways to raise children - ISPCAN November Campaign - "World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse"
Smart ways to raise children - ISPCAN November Campaign - "World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse"
Not only does corporal punishment fail to control children’s bad behaviour, it can easily escalate to violent levels unwittingly, damaging children's physical and psychological development......Learn more
Summary of Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill
Summary of Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill
The public is concerned about the under-reporting of serious child abuse cases in Hong Kong and there have been calls for introducing a mandatory reporting regime......Learn more
Obituary - Dr Patricia Ip Lai Sheung, BBS
Obituary - Dr Patricia Ip Lai Sheung, BBS
With great sadness, we inform you that Dr Patricia Ip, founding member of Against Child Abuse, has passed away peacefully......Learn more