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About ACA

Management Team


Professor Ian Grenville Cross, GBS, SC

Honorary Advisor

The Hon Mrs Selina Chow, GBS, OBE, JP
Dr Gladys Lam
Professor Felice Lieh Mak, CBE, OBE, JP
Ms Maria Tam Wai Chu, GBS, CBE, JP
Mr Charles C.L. Yang, BBS, JP

Voluntary Legal Advisor

Mr Paul Liu

Obligatory auditor

S Y Yang & Company

Voluntary Child Psychiatric Consultant

Professor Kelly Lai

Voluntary Architectural and Engineering Consultant

Mr Bosco Ho

Child Protection Institute Honorary Consultants

Ms Sumee Chan
Professor Chan Yuk Chung
Dr Anna Cheng
Dr Patrick Cheung, BBS
Ms Smile Cheung
Dr Hermia Chiu
Dr Matthew Chu
Professor Ian Grenville Cross GBS, SC
Dr Stephen Ho
Professor Patrick Ip

Child Protection Institute Honorary Consultants (cont)

Mr Nicholas Jim
Ms Kan Shin Yu
Mr Keith Kwok
Dr Syrine Lam Yeung
Dr Joanne Leung
Dr May Miao
Mr James Ng
Dr Shiu Yiu Keung
Mr Maurice Wan
Ms Carman Wong
Dr Chan King Ho

Executive Committee

Chairperson Dr Patrick Cheung, BBS
Vice Chairperson Mr Nicholas Jim
Hon Treasurer Mr James Ng
Hon Secretary Mr Keith Kwok
Dr Anna Cheng
Dr Hermia Chiu
Professor Patrick Ip
Mr Ying Wan Chong
Dr Joanne Leung

Management Committee

Convener Dr Patrick Cheung, BBS
Vice Chairperson Mr Nicholas Jim
Hon Treasurer Mr James Ng
Hon Secretary Mr Keith Kwok
Dr Hermia Chiu
Director Ms Donna Wong

Professional Development Committee

Convener Dr Anna Cheng
Ex-officio Member Dr Patrick Cheung, BBS
Dr Anne Cheung
Professor Patrick Ip
Dr Joanne Leung
Director Ms Donna Wong
Dr Shiu Yiu Keung

Publicity Committee

Convener Dr Patrick Cheung, BBS
Mr Nicholas Jim
Mr James Ng
Mr Keith Kwok
Mr Ying Wan Chong
Mrs Matrena Fong
Director Ms Donna Wong

Human Resources Committee

Convener Mr Nicholas Jim
Ex-officio Member Dr Patrick Cheung, BBS
Mr James Ng
Director Ms Donna Wong
Staff Representative Ms Olivia Lai

Child Protection Institute Steering Committee

Convener Dr Hermia Chiu
Ex-officio Member Dr Patrick Cheung, BBS
Mr James Ng
Mr Keith Kwok
Dr Anna Cheng
Director Ms Donna Wong